Sabtu, 30 Januari 2016

Games Pokemon Flora Sky Gameboid Rom

Pokemon Flora is one of the pokemon series that was played on Gameboy advanced many years Ago. This was one of the pixel games that we loved playing way back then. One of the most loved RPG games of all time, now made available on android.

Pokemon Flora Sky

This is the updated version of the game, modified and fixed. All force close and all errors is fixed on this game. So that means it runs perfectly for optimal gaming experience. Once you start playing, you just cant stop! Thats how addicting this game is.

You will need game gameboid for this. Download gameboid here.


Youll come to a land with many mysteries of the legendary Pokemon. After the battle between Dialga and Palkia, the portal between Torn World - the world of Giratina and real world is opened. Giratina appears and brings many unanticapated dangers. And you must close this portal before its too late.

Meanwhile, Team Magma and Aquaare seeking the legendary Fire and Water type Pokemon to dominate their world. Together with other friends, our hero will prevent the heat of the legendaryPokemon by the actions of Team Magma and Aqua. Whatwill help Groudon and Kyogre calm down? For more stories, lets play..

Pokemon Flora Sky

Pokemon Flora Sky

Pokemon Flora Sky


- Gen IV and V Pokemon
- New Story
- New Event For Legendary Pokemon.
- New Character
- 386 Pokemon in the hack with new Sprites, 4th and 5th Sprites
- New Moves
- New Map
- New Items
- New HM
- New Minigame
- Day Night System, Daily Events
- Main Legendary (In Story): Shaymin, Giratina, Dialga. Afterbeat E4: Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquza, Mew, Arceus.
And more...

All Bug are Fixed..
Ball Shop in Platepics City
Research Center 3rd Floor Fixed.
Honey Bar in Honey Village Fixed.
Aqua at Puel museum Fixed.
Igloo Shop in Froster Town Fixed.



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